Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
To: Zeigler-Royalton CUSD #188 Parents(s) & Guardian(s)
Re: Annual Bus Evacuation Drill/Review
The Illinois State Board of Education requires each public school to conduct one (1) bus evacuation drill each year to review the safety procedures and guidelines that are in place in the event that a bus evacuation occurs. The state is allowing school districts to share a video that highlights the safety precautions and details of a bus evacuation. This video will be shared by our teachers in their classrooms. Additionally, Zeigler-Royalton CUSD #188 will be sharing this video through multiple formats, including the District Website, Facebook, Apptegy SMS Messaging App, and email. We encourage all families to view the video and discuss it with their child.
Phil Hicks
Transportation Director
Zeigler-Royalton CUSD 188
Bus Evacuation Link: